These Mortal Fools return
The student-led theater group prepares to put on their second performance
October 9, 2022
Auditions for the student-led play “Twelfth Night” were held Wednesday, October 5.
“Twelfth Night” will be the second performance put on by theater group These Mortal Fools (TMF) following last year’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

“‘Midsummer’ was very much our trial run,” Co-Director Rowan Thayer ‘24 said.
Co-Director Penny deRosset ‘25 agreed with Thayer and added that this year they are working hard to make the play run smoothly.
“‘Midsummer’ was a scramble to get everything done, and now that we have a lot more time… we want to make it better logistically [and] emotionally for the actors and the directors,” deRosset said.
In the group’s first year, they learned everything needed to put on a show: from finding a venue to figuring out hair, costumes and choreography. Also, much like in William Shakespeare’s time, members of TMF are required to take on multiple roles.
Along with directing, Thayer took the positions of actor and prop master. deRosset, who has a background in martial arts, tripled up in roles as an actor, hair stylist and fight choreographer.
“[My scene partner and I] ended up putting together a pretty fun fight,” deRosset said. “A lot of people asked me after the show if we had actually slapped each other.”
Orin Paxton ‘23 helped write the Vermont Afterschool program grant that funds TMF and is now their production manager.
“I did have my doubts that we would be able to pull this off [last year],” Paxton said. “But people are pretty willing to help. Which was something that I learned… we had a lot of support.”
deRosset agreed.

“We’ve had doubts and challenges, but working with our amazing teammates has really helped alleviate some of the doubts that we’ve had,” deRosset said.
Costume designer Richie Amerson ’25 hopes more freshmen will come to the auditions this year.
“It would be really nice to have more people to come join this, [especially] younger people to [take over] when the seniors graduate,” Amerson said. “To help continue These Mortal Fools for years.”
If you’re interested in helping out with tech (lights, sets, costumes) or acting follow the Instagram @thesemortalfools and contact:
Penny DeRosset – contact for acting – [email protected]
Rowan Thayer – contact for acting – [email protected]
Ezra Case – contact for set – [email protected]
Amy Chung – contact for lights – [email protected]
Richie Amerson – contact for costumes – [email protected]