It’s hard to miss seven foot tall Clifford. His role at BHS is student support, but most students also know him from his roles as basketball...
The new track and playing field is predicted to be finished by September 11th, 2024. The turf will be under construction this summer and will...
The girls lacrosse team is trending. 14 players have turned into 36 over three years, and wins have increased from zero in 2021 to eight last...
In the summer, Fields Deshaw was playing soccer when his knee began to hurt. It turned out to be “apophysitis”, a stress injury in joints...
It took a lot for the Sealakers to beat BFA-St. Albans 3-2 for the program’s first championship in its 10 year history. BFA-St. Albans is...
The Seahorses dominated Rice 64-35 during Tuesday's Girls varsity basketball game at Patrick Gym. Bree McDonald ‘25 was the high scorer...
The Burlington Boys Volleyball team won their third straight state championship in a very close 5 set game against South Burlington. The number...
Burlington: Ahmed “Poppy” Diawara, 10 Carries and a 93-yard Touchdown run. Sam Parris, 1 Touchdown Middlebury: Avery Carl, 138 Rushing...
Burlington: Norra Moody 1 Goal. Lola Rubin 1 Goal. Olivia Sullivan 1 Assist. Quinn Vachereau 9 Saves. Middlebury: Jolee Heffernan 12 Saves. The...
Burlington: Sunny Nguyen 1 Goal, 1 Assist. Fabrice Kerozene 1G. Quinn Sessions 1A. Liam Hand 5 saves. Essex: Jackson Willetts 9 saves. The...
BHS girls have won the Ultimate State Championship for the second year in a row. The girls finished their undefeated season with an emphatic...
Fifth singles player Nevin Morton clinched the team’s victory during a thrilling match that started outdoors at Stowe High School, then...
How long have you been participating in shot put? “The first time I got into track and field was because of my brother. I was going into...
For the third year in a row the girls nordic ski team has won the state championship. “We [were] pretty confident going into it because...