Co-written by Julia Shannon-Grillo and Jenna Peterson
Late this morning, a car crash occurred at the intersection of North Avenue and Institute Road, outside of Burlington High School (BHS).
Burlington police officers on the scene said it appeared that a vehicle pulling out of the City Bluffs condos collided with the passenger side of a northbound vehicle traveling on North Avenue. The northbound vehicle skidded and turned onto its side, while the westbound vehicle continued moving, hitting the North Avenue-Institute Road street sign and coming to a stop in the BHS parking lot.

The Burlington Fire Department responded to the crash. All parties involved were taken to the UVM Medical Center for treatment.
Students were initially confined to the BHS buildings but are now allowed to leave. Due to accident investigation and glass shards on North Ave, southbound vehicles were not able to turn onto Institute Road. The intersection is now open to all vehicles.

BHS parents received a phone call from principal Noel Green, which confirmed that no students were involved in the accident.