Students connect through club opportunities

Photo: Courtesy of Jinny Diop

Oscar Jacobsen, Staff Writer

Students roam the halls visiting one classroom and the next. In each room, advisors have set up displays and presentations to inform students about a club they are leading. On September 23, BHS held a club fair for students to learn about and sign up for clubs. 

Jinny Diop 23’ was recruiting new members for BHS Heroes, where she is treasurer and co-president.

“Clubs are really important,” Diop said. “They’re a great way for kids to express their interests that don’t fit into normal classes.”

Clubs not only provide time for students to explore non-academic interests, but according to chess club advisor Michelle Sagalchik, they also help students meet new people and make friends.

“I thought it made it easier to make friends because there is some sort of icebreaking element to it,” Sagalchik said. “You meet new people, but it’s not in the stressful environment of the classroom.” 

Diop agreed and added that clubs are healthy for the school’s community.

“I’m also on the rowing team, which is technically a club, and I talk to people and I’m friends with people that I wouldn’t necessarily get the opportunity to talk to,” Diop said. “It’s really nice, especially across grades… getting to know underclassmen.” 

Sagalchik also stressed the importance of students and teachers meeting in a non-academic setting. 

“Especially at the downtown location we have work to do to make it feel like a community and to make people feel like they want to be in this space,” Sagalchik said. “And clubs are a really good way to do that.”

This was the second time the activities fair was held at dtBHS, and Diop felt it ran more smoothly this year than the previous year.

“Last year it was kind of a free for all. It was a little crazy,” Diop said. “But this year, it was done pretty effectively because clubs got a heads up, so we were able to prepare something more cohesive.”

26 different clubs and activities were represented at the fair. Still, Alejandro Yaranga ‘26 still thought there could be more choices.

“There’s some clubs that I really want to get in, but they’re not an option,” Yaranga said. “Sports clubs can be one, and going outside can be another one- to have a break from school.”

Check out this list of clubs that are available for BHS students join.