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BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

Watercolor: Zoe Maxwell

“The Light is at the End of the Tunnel”: BHS Students and Faculty Emerge from the Pandemic with Hope 

Rebecca Cunningham, Staff Writer June 1, 2021

In late March, BHS science teacher Marion Boa walked into the DoubleTree Hotel in South Burlington to receive her first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. There, she was directed to a ballroom-turned-clinic attended by volunteers sporting a combination...

Principal Noel Green speaks at a BHS Graduation. Photo: Colby Skoglund

BHS Principal’s Resignation Email Blames School Board for Lack of Support

Anna Huener and Nora Jacobsen January 15, 2021
At 5:15 p.m. on January 8, Burlington High School Principal Noel Green resigned, effective immediately, sending shockwaves through the community.  In his email of resignation to Burlington School District Superintendent Tom Flanagan, obtained by the Register on January 13, Green blames "an overbearing board and manipulative board chair” for making his job almost impossible. 
Students rock the house at Winter Ball in January! Photo: Colby Skoglund

2020: A Year In Review

Rebecca Cunningham, Staff Writer December 31, 2020

2020, what a year! At BHS, 2020 started in a typical fashion with new energy from well-rested teenagers and teachers. Quickly the year ventured off the beaten path. All traditional high school classes and activities met a global pandemic, Black Lives...

Illustration by Zoe Maxwell

Opinion: Stay home, Vermont

Anna Huener, Staff Writer December 7, 2020
On November 13, Governor Phil Scott issued an ordinance ordering Vermonters to halt multi-family gatherings, and closing bars and social clubs. Initially, I was shocked. I had convinced myself that the lockdown was done, forgotten, and never to happen again. Yet, here we were, eight months later, retreating into our homes. It was aggravating to see all this new freedom taken away after only a few months. But aggravation isn’t going to do anything to stop the virus or lower the cases in our small state. The best way to help, in this situation, is to do nothing at all.
Gratitude amidst a pandemic: stories from the BHS community

Gratitude amidst a pandemic: stories from the BHS community

Anna Huener, Staff Writer November 24, 2020
Thanksgiving is days away, which means we’re thinking about turkey, stuffing, and most of all, gratitude. The Register interviewed five members of the Burlington High School community about what has helped them through the pandemic, and gratitude in their lives during complicated times. 
Photo: Jackson Haugh

Transferring to BHS in 2020: experiences of an Iowan new kid

Jackson Haugh November 9, 2020

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and at the start of my senior year, I transferred to BHS from Roosevelt High School in Des Moines Iowa, a school halfway across the country.  Extended summer had come to a close and there was still no comprehensive...

Five ways to help locally during a pandemic

Five ways to help locally during a pandemic

Nora Jacobsen March 30, 2020

Uncertainty has been the only consistent in the past few weeks. It is hard to know what to do, and in a global crisis as massive as COVID-19, it is easy to find oneself feeling powerless. Luckily there are many opportunities to make an impact locally....

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