Breaking news: Burlington votes ‘yes’ on new high school 

Photo: Cecily Spence

Cecily Spence, Managing Editor

On November 8 Burlington voters approved the $165 million bond for BHS and BTC demolition and re-construction to be finished in 2025. The bond passed with 75.8% in favor of the new school. 

Students and staff are enthusiastic about the news. Zoe Sliter ‘26 is among the first class that will attend the new high school. 

“I feel like it will be [a better experience] for me at the new school,” Sliter said. “I’ve seen all the photos and it looks so cool.”

Habiba Ibrahim ‘23 went to the polls for the first time and cast her own vote to pass the bond.

“I was like, ‘why do I even [have to vote] for my younger siblings to have a school,” Ibrahim said. “[I voted yes] because I am in this building everyday and I know firsthand how it feels to not have a place I can call a school.” 

Ibrahim lives with her two younger brothers who she is grateful will get to experience a ‘real high school.’ Admin and staff are also grateful the bond passed. Assistant Librarian Ellen Wollensack looks forward to having a more functional library space. 

“I am excited to have a real library that can fit more than just some of our books,” Wollensack said. “This library works for now but it is not a permanent solution, and I look forward to a better learning environment for our students.”

Emily D’Andrea ‘25 is also eager to have a school for future students. 

“I have a brother that’s a freshman right now and family friends with young children so although I will not get the opportunity to go to the new school, I’m happy that others will get that experience,”  D’Andrea said. 

In a district communication from Russ Elek, Superintendent Tom Flanagan and BSD Board Chair Clare Wool voiced their excitement. 

“Today’s vote gives us great confidence in the future and a clear direction forward for our students, staff, and community,” Flanagan said. “As we move forward, you have our word that we will work hard to keep the impact of this project down as much as possible while delivering a beautiful building that supports community connection and deeper learning for all. You have held up your end of the bargain and we will hold up ours as well!” 

Wool agreed, extending her thanks to the Burlington voters. 

“On behalf of the entire Board of School Commissioners, I want to extend our sincerest heartfelt gratitude to the voters in Burlington,” Wool said.