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The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

Photo: Courtesy of Bob Church//Automotive and Technology Instructor Bob Church and VT Secretary of Education Dan French in front of the BTC wall of fame

After tech ed: BTC automotive teacher tracks why tech ed matters

Nora Jacobsen December 19, 2019

Walking into the auto center at Burlington Technical Center (BTC), you will see cars on lifts and teams of students in safety goggles motoring about. Cans of oil, spare tires and dozens of tools line the space. The walls of the classroom are covered...

Teenagers glued to their phones.

Smartphones: the troubling truth

Anna Huener, Staff Writer February 20, 2019

The iPhone, introduced in 2007, took the world by storm. With enticing new technology and constant accessibility, the iPhone quickly became a common accessory for most American adults. Twelve years later, the smartphone has become both a necessity and...

Abbey Pasquence and Sean Fleming both work in the Offensend Library at Burlington High School. | Photo: Lucy Govoni/Register

Technology Reduces Need for Library Books

Lucy Govoni February 22, 2017

Technology is a central to the learning at Burlington High School. There are smart boards in many classrooms, students turn in their assignments online and every student has a Chromebook. Unfortunately, when technology became integrated into the BHS...

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