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The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

2018 YES class: Creativity and Mindfulness does Yoga. Photo: Colby Skoglund.

Students say yes to YES

Preity Mangar, Staff Writer March 19, 2022

BHS’ Year End Studies (YES) program is up and running again after a two-year pause due to COVID-19. YES is a two-week intensive learning experience held at the end of the school year that offers a wide range of non-traditional classes and activities...

BHS students take a walk at Shelburne Farms. Photo courtesy: Tido Schulman

Opinon: Go Outside!

Alex Wick, Staff Writer May 14, 2021
When we arrive at DtBHS each morning, we won't see sunlight until our school day is over. It is crucial for our mental health that we spend time outside to make up for this lack of sunlight.
New Moon Cafe
Photo: Anessa Conner

Cafes we love a latte

Anessa Conner, Staff Writer February 22, 2019

I love coffee. Every morning I drag myself out of bed and stumble to the coffee pot and pour myself a nice extra tall mug of strong black coffee.  It wakes me up. More days then not, I follow my morning coffee with an afternoon sweet iced coffee. It...

Photo: Jacqueline Kohler

Dr. Kohler stops to take in the view at Yosemite National Park.

BHS teachers tell stories of summer fun

Julia Shannon-Grillo May 24, 2018

Burlington High School teachers to reflect on past summers: Dr. Jacqueline Kohler, Science: As an avid adventurist, Dr. Kohler spends her summers immersing herself in nature. For the past twenty-five years, she has been traveling to Pawleys Island,...

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The Student News Site of Burlington High School