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BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

Illustration by Zoe Maxwell

Opinion: Stay home, Vermont

Anna Huener, Staff Writer December 7, 2020
On November 13, Governor Phil Scott issued an ordinance ordering Vermonters to halt multi-family gatherings, and closing bars and social clubs. Initially, I was shocked. I had convinced myself that the lockdown was done, forgotten, and never to happen again. Yet, here we were, eight months later, retreating into our homes. It was aggravating to see all this new freedom taken away after only a few months. But aggravation isn’t going to do anything to stop the virus or lower the cases in our small state. The best way to help, in this situation, is to do nothing at all.
Warner Bros. - 1979

Classic records we recommend: Fleetwood Mac – Tusk

Ayden Flanigan February 6, 2020

I was on a little Fleetwood Mac kick this week. I’ve always kind of written the genre-shifting band a pass, especially their famous mid-70s hits. They came off as milk toast music made for middle-aged moms and I never really gave them the time of...

Seeing Other People album cover 
Courtesy: Foxygen

Foxygen casts themselves in a new light on Seeing Other People

Ayden Flanigan December 19, 2019

As we come up to the end of 2019,  I have been thinking about what albums have stuck in my brain. One such album is Seeing Other People by indie-pop archeologists, Foxygen. A recording group made up of two childhood friends, Foxygen has made...

Taylor Swift surprises on Lover

Taylor Swift surprises on Lover

Ayden Flanigan November 5, 2019

Our Journalism teacher Mrs. Fialko, suggested (or ordered) that for this issue, I review an album that I would not usually find myself listening to. Luckily for me, country-turned-pop superstar Taylor Swift recently dropped album Lover (2019) fits the...

Chart showing the teacher positions and classes that have been cut in the last four years.

OP-ED: Why does BHS want to get rid of senior year?

Lucy Govoni May 24, 2018

With senior year comes newfound freedom, fun traditions, and the everpresent excitement of graduation. In addition to these exciting aspects of being in 12th grade, there is one thing that most students at Burlington High School (BHS) tend to like the...

OPINION: Open Records, Meetings Essential for Democracy

OPINION: Open Records, Meetings Essential for Democracy

March 12, 2017

In 1966, Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), providing public access to government reports and documents. This legislation, along with state open meeting laws, is crucial in keeping our leaders transparent, and holding...

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