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The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

The Student News Site of Burlington High School

BHS Register

Diggers' Mirth's truck, parked at the farm. Photo: Anna Sanborn/Register

Diggers’ Mirth Collective: A Local Farm Doing the Right Thing

Anna Sanborn June 4, 2021

In the Burlington High School cafeteria, an array of ready-made lunches, each complete with a side of fresh veggies, await students. Among these veggies lies a hidden gem: crunchy, delicious, carrots that put the supermarket varieties to shame.  Unbeknown...

Home for the Holidays: Reflections from BHS

Home for the Holidays: Reflections from BHS

Anna Huener, Staff Writer December 26, 2020
Strict travel regulations and Covid restrictions in Vermont will prevent many from gathering this year, forcing Vermonters to stay home with their immediate families. 
Illustration by Zoe Maxwell

Opinion: Stay home, Vermont

Anna Huener, Staff Writer December 7, 2020
On November 13, Governor Phil Scott issued an ordinance ordering Vermonters to halt multi-family gatherings, and closing bars and social clubs. Initially, I was shocked. I had convinced myself that the lockdown was done, forgotten, and never to happen again. Yet, here we were, eight months later, retreating into our homes. It was aggravating to see all this new freedom taken away after only a few months. But aggravation isn’t going to do anything to stop the virus or lower the cases in our small state. The best way to help, in this situation, is to do nothing at all.
Gratitude amidst a pandemic: stories from the BHS community

Gratitude amidst a pandemic: stories from the BHS community

Anna Huener, Staff Writer November 24, 2020
Thanksgiving is days away, which means we’re thinking about turkey, stuffing, and most of all, gratitude. The Register interviewed five members of the Burlington High School community about what has helped them through the pandemic, and gratitude in their lives during complicated times. 
Easter online: local churches worship from a distance

Easter online: local churches worship from a distance

Anna Huener April 8, 2020

Traditionally, in the Christian faith, Easter is observed as a service to celebrate the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Congregations gather to sing, eat, and worship. In the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, Churches in the Burlington area...

Five ways to help locally during a pandemic

Five ways to help locally during a pandemic

Nora Jacobsen March 30, 2020

Uncertainty has been the only consistent in the past few weeks. It is hard to know what to do, and in a global crisis as massive as COVID-19, it is easy to find oneself feeling powerless. Luckily there are many opportunities to make an impact locally....

Photo: Nora Jacobsen /
Sophomore Rory Stein takes a bite from a delicious February apple

The Register Investigates: The case of the February apples

Nora Jacobsen February 20, 2020

It was fifth grade in early February when my teacher brought the snack into our classroom. It was the usual assortment: a muffin or a bread and apples.  But that day, the apples were different. My apple was perfectly sweet, juicy, and crisp....

A free pile of clothing sits outside Burlington's Battery Street Jeans. /
Photo: Anna Huener

Thrift shop and art haven: Burlington’s Battery Street Jeans

Anna Huener February 12, 2020

Located on College Street in Downtown Burlington, Battery Street Jeans is one of the most popular thrift stores in Chittenden county. With local art lining the walls, and everything from VCR tapes to rain jackets to vintage earrings inside, the store...

Photo: Courtesy of @kingcobras23
The members of King Cobras from left to right: Bety Mayani, Medine Nifasha, Diana Fikiria

BHS’ own King Cobras build a dance empire

Nora Jacobsen February 6, 2020

Chances are when you think of high school students running a business, an Instagram dance page is not the first thing that comes to mind. However, for Burlington High School (BHS) junior, Diana Fikiria, senior Bety Mayani, and 2019 BHS graduate Medine...

Why You Should Shop Local this Christmas

Why You Should Shop Local this Christmas

Anna Huener December 19, 2019

This article was edited on December 11, 2020. The onset of the pandemic has created a plethora of local challenges, one of them being income for small, local businesses. In addition to the positive environmental aspects, shopping local aids businesses...

My baby sister sara getting weighed and measured after being born at home.            Photo: Courtesy David Conner

A hospital alternative: Bearing babies at home

Anessa Conner December 19, 2019

We live in an age full of choices; Do I want a purple iPhone 11 or a gold one? Is it worth it to splurge on the newest trendy shoes? Should I watch season 14 of Grey's anatomy or finish my pre-calc homework? A choice that many women will have to make...

EMS students raise BLM flag

EMS students raise BLM flag

Anna Huener November 20, 2019
Edmunds Middle School students raise the Black Lives Matter Flag.
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The Student News Site of Burlington High School