Seahorse of the Week: Lily Caputo

Anessa Conner

Each week the Register will feature a BHS student as “Seahorse of the Week” and ask them a set of questions aimed at revealing their character. This week, we sat down with BHS freshman, Lily Caputo!

What human do you most admire?

“I admire a lot of athletes just because they work so hard to get to where they are and I think it’s really inspiring how much they train and work. They just love the sport so much they keep doing it, I really like Lindsey Vonn.”

Favorite song right now?

“I like the song ‘Winona’ by Miloe. it’s nice to listen to when you just need to chill out.”

What is your most treasured possession? Tell us about it.

“My dog. She is just so cute and always happy and it’s nice to come home to.” 

Favorite family/friend tradition? 

“For my birthday we always have tacos!”

What was your favorite tv show as a child?

“Definitely Blue’s Clues.”

On a random summer day, what would we find you doing?

“You would find me at softball practice or you would find me swimming with my friends.” 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

“I would see myself probably at a company with a lot of planes. I’d be a pilot and I’d get to do cool engineering stuff. I’m in flight school right now, both of my parents are pilots and I join them on Thursday morning and sometimes get to go up in the air with them if they have extra time”

What animal do you relate to most?

“Probably a puppy, they are just energetic and fun and cute.”

What has been on your mind recently?

“The new school, I don’t know what it looks like yet so I’m excited to see what it’s going to be like, with the escalators and everything.”

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

“I would go to Switzerland, it seems like they have nice skiing, pretty houses, good views, and food.” 

When Covid restrictions lift, what are you doing? 

“I would go skiing in another state, skiing in Vermont is fun but on the west coast there is no ice.”

Describe your idea of perfect happiness?

“Being in a place where I can enjoy what I do every single day. Like at my job, I can enjoy what I’m doing there and feel like I’m doing good, not just sitting at a desk.”

Interested in being featured in seahorse of the week? Email to nominate yourself, or someone else in the BHS community!