Seahorse of the Week: Sal Boone
February 5, 2021
Each week the Register will feature a BHS student as “Seahorse of the Week” and ask them a set of questions aimed at revealing their character. This week, we sat down with BHS sophomore Sal Boone!
What human do you most admire?
“Scott Stevens. I admire him because he is a very technically skilled, and stylish snowboarder.”
Favorite animal?
“Probably dogs, the classic companion, they are so nice.”
Favorite song right now?
“Right now, I think it’s “Eldorado” by Electric Light Orchestra. There’s this one part where it gets really loud and I feel like that whole song is just them flexing that they came up with the idea of making it get louder and they just made a whole song about that.”
What is your most treasured possession? Tell us about it.
“I have this envelope that my grandparents sent me when I was maybe seven that has a penguin feather and a note that said all the tiny feathers keep the penguins warm. I’ve just had it in my dresser for a long time; I just think it’s nice.”
Describe your idea of perfect happiness?
“The completion of a Maslow hierarchy of needs, you know, self-actualization. It’s pretty legit.”
What have you been thinking a lot about lately?
“I’ve pretty much just been going to school and snowboarding so not much other than that.”
Favorite family/friend tradition?
“We usually have my grandma and my great aunt and uncle up for Christmas. That’s nice because we don’t get to see them super often and it’s nice to have some family time.”
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
“I think Italy, because it’s super old and there is a lot of history there, and there’s a lot of history [to do] with my family. They immigrated over here and it would be cool to see the village they came from.”
What are excited for in life?
“Traveling, being able to meet a lot of really cool people, and being able to experience a lot of cool experiences.”
When Covid restrictions lift, what are you doing?
“Hang out with my friends without restrictions, maybe just hang out in one of our houses and be able to catch up on all that we’ve missed the past year.”
Interested in being featured in seahorse of the week? Email to nominate yourself, or someone else in the BHS community!