Public comment:
- An unknown individual requested that the board rescind his trespassing mandate of BSD property. They had approached the school just outside the doors and began recording students as they were leaving on February 21, 2025, posting it on the YouTube channel Beautiful Scenic Burlington.
Chairs Report:
- Discussion about budget: Debate on whether or not to compensate board members financially.
- Commissioner Vanderputten expressed concern about stipend resulting in people running for the board in pursuit of financial aid rather than passion, claiming that money or lack thereof does not affect how hard they work.
- Commissioner Saunders argues that the lack of a stipend ends up costing board members and restricting people from low-income households from running.
Student Report (Annie Harte):
- CP Smith:
Skate Night — March 21
Science and Inventory Fair — March 27
- Flynn:
Skate Night — March 28
- Broad:
BHS, HMS, and EMS had an orchestra night on March 12
- BHS:
First day of spring sports — March 24
Both the girls and boys basketball teams became D1 champions
27 students were recognized for Arts and Writing at the scholastic fair in Brattleboro. 5 students won the gold distinction which means they advance on to the national level competition on March 8
BHS Heroes Hosting Spectrum Sleep Out at ogBHS – March 28
Superintendent’s Report (Tom Flanagan):
- Recognized Conner Byam, BHS student, Co-Editor in Chief for winning Vermont High School Journalist of the Year by the New England Scholastic Press Association (NESPA) on March 1, 2025.
- Budget passed with over 70% of the vote.
- Vermont’s Superintendent’s Association rejects the education reform bill.
BSD calendar proposed.