Phoenix Ashby
Math teacher Chaim Lodish
Where are you from? Why did you choose to teach at BHS?
“I am from planet Earth. Third planet from the sun; I’m a native. Formative years in the suburban Philadelphia area, into Colorado Springs for College, San Francisco for a brief stint of corporate work and then Vermont to teach. BHS offered me a place to work and live in the same town. I’m a second generation bike commuter and appreciate being close to where I work.”
What inspired you to become a teacher- what’s your favorite thing about it?
“I believe in the power of one. And love being able to show students that we can build something from very little. I really like the cyclic nature of teaching. It is nice to get a reboot every year. I am also very good at vacations.”
What’s your favorite part about interacting with students?
“When they prove me wrong.”
What’s something about yourself you think people would find surprising?
“I have a large collection of antique cartoon characters glassware (google : Pepsi glass cartoon).”
What can students expect from you (your class)? What’s something you want students to know about you (your class)?
“Students can expect an exuberant teacher who really enjoys mathematics. I want students to learn how to read the directions and use the given.”
What surprised you most about working at BHS?
“The backwoods behind the old school, namely ARMS park.”
What was one of your favorite subjects in high school?
“Surprisingly, mathematics. AP Calculus was one of my favorite classes.”
Do you have a favorite success story of a student to come out of your math of money class?
“I had a student telling me to buy Tesla at 35$ a share. I didn’t, but he did. He looked me up years later after Tesla has split and he added a comma to his portfolio, seeking advice as to what to do with all that money.”
I heard you like mountain biking, why do you like it and what’s your favorite mountain to bike on?
“I like gravity. Gravity brings me down. I love the Kingdom Trails in East Burke VT.”
Are there any other hobbies you enjoy outside of school?
“I am an avid gardener. You can see my ribbons I’ve won from the fair above my office desk. I also like to wake surf in the summer and snowboard in the winter.”
I heard you’re an Eagles fan, is there a particular reason you like them and do you have a favorite player?
“I grew up in Philly yo, and being an Eagles fan is part of the duty. E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles!”
If you could go anywhere in the world- where would you go?
“I’d spend some time in places I could SCUBA.”
What’s the most bizarre thing that’s happened in your class during your career in teaching?
“Students manufactured their own potato cannon complete with hydrogen fuel; they made a device to collect and manufacture hydrogen gas out of a battery charger and an orange juice container.”
What’s your favorite weird food combo?
“I mix multiple kinds of cereal in the morning.”
If you could have any superpower what would it be?